About the blog


This blog is an approach to design from a journalistic perspective. Journalists day after day have to be more independent, and the only way of improving this matter is knowing how to develop the technical aspects of their work as good as technicians or designers do. Because: EVERYONE CAN BE A DESIGNER.

Moreover, being a good journalist means being able to explain the world to the people and help them to reach knowledge about immediate things. Just because communication is what matters, journalists and also many other professionals just like teachers, economists, etc. should have the tools to do it the best way possible, and because of it, I think that in a lot of occasions (not always, as you will find explained in the blog) images are worth a thousand words.

So, in order to make you understand my approach to inphographics as a tool to express the difficult, I have created this space of opinion, discussion and knowledge about inphographic's utility.

I hope you find it useful!

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