lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

infographics as complement of a text


In today's post, I want to talk to you about the fact that infographics sometimes are better complement to an article that a single picture.
In today's example I will upload to you an infographic I did to explain in a graphical way the boston robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

This infographic was used to explain how did the robbery went on, and above there's some extra information to make ourselves an idea of the impact of the theft.

This graphic was structured in two parts, the essential information on the top (information only concerning the robbery), and the extra features on the lower part (other informations concerning this and other thefts). This was, the graphic becomes structured, and the reader is guided through the image, because the first part is explained through a timeline, that means that the viewer must follow a reading direction that is guided all along the line form left to right.

As the reader has read the first part of the image, he has almost all the information of the robbery, that is what matters to us, and if he has got interested through the reading of the first part, he will continue to the second one, which gives him other interesting data concerning other thefts. But as it is not the main information intended to be read, if the reader doesn't get to the lower part, anyway our graphic would have fulfilled its function, that is to illustrate the boston theft (upper part of the graphic).

So, If you want to use an infographic in any of your articles, take this into account and structure the graphic with a hierarchy that if the reader does not want to go on reading until the end, he gets almost all the information on the first part of your graphic!

I hope you found it useful!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Begoña! The combination of colors on your graphic looks very harmonical and coherent with the type of fonts and it makes the reader see the this topic in a less serious and boring way. I think you did a good job in this aspect! However, I find that there's some blank space especially in the bottom part graphics that looks a little bit unfilled. But overall it's a good job! It's very clear that you've worked a lot for achieving this result!

    Keep on working like this!

  2. Hi Sara, I agree with you in the fact that the end of the graphic looks so empty, but it was thought to convey meaning. This way the viewer sees first of all the top part that is full of information and so will start reading in this part.
    Anyway, I'd like to say the colors haven't been chosen luckily, but they have been thought and tried on many ways.

    Thank you for your comment!!

  3. Thanks Begoña for being you! I think that your infographics are organized and very familiar. It is a good way to do an infographic more understandable. Never change your way to work! Begoña you are fantabulous!
