The post of today is about the first project I carried on this course. It was a visual representation of the solar system that had to have text or at least if we didn't want to have text we had to be able to explain all this information in a visual form.
in this infographic we had to simplify and clarify information, but as it was the first one for me, the graphic uploaded together with the post is not doing what was asked, and now we will discuss why.
First of all, this graphic has a very useless structure, because early vision (the first phase of vision driven by the attributes of an object) is not driven anywhere due to the fact that the whole page is full of information unstructured. For example, in this infographic we can see too much text and the graphic part of the picture just develops a picture function, because it do not gives us information neither it pops out as a salient feature to direct early vision to it.
This other example that I will upload beneath this paragraph is an other example of a classmate that caught the idea f the infographic and was able to create one that really transmitted information.
Julia Reñé's infographic (infographicsbyformat.blogspot.com.es)
In this infographic, we can appreciate a visual structure that guides us all along the information in order to follow a line to read it. Moreover, one of the extra features that make this infographic a good example of it are the pop out features that help us to enhance our cognitive process in order to fix attention on the graphic.
Also, the fact of structure makes the graphic more attractive to the ones that have to read it, because if we have two pages one with a dense and unstructured infographic, and the other with a very well organized infographic and certain features that are salient, the one that will catch our attention will be the one that is more pleasant for the sight, and this will be the one that is organized and that has pop out features.
I hope my reflection based on my mistakes help you to avoid making the same errors than me and helps you too to create well organized infographics.
I like very much your graphic but I think that julia's graphic is more elaborated. It doesn't matter because it was one of the first graphics we did hahahah
ResponderEliminarinstead of that, I like very much your graphics, your CV for example is very very cute and very visual!!!
you will be a very good designer!!!
goood job bego!
Thank you Andrea, I also think that my solar system graphic was quite improvable, but, time to time!
EliminarThank you anyway!