sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Data simplification though a realism reduction


Today I will write about the fact that low-fidelity graphics are effective when the goal is to focus on essential details, induce a quick response, strengthen the impact and providing an easy explanation.

Minnimalism makes every phase of the human information-processing system more efficient as weperceive a graphic, hold information on working memory,internally represent information, and interpret it.

Because of that, graphics that are used to support comprehension and learning should contain little or no visual noise (anything that is superfluous and distracts the viewer).

In order to understant what I am telling you I will upload a graphic I did to facilitate the comprehension of an extense excel with a lot of data concerning airplane crashes.

This infographic uses simplification as its best weapon, because there are also many lacks on it, but as it fulfils its purpose, it is not such a bad example. in this graphic as you can see, information of loads of pages has been simplified to a simgle multiple-graphic.

It just has a map so to make more visual the data concerning where accidents happened, a bar chart to quiclky undertant which year was the more accidented, an a semi-circle chart at the end concerning how many fatalities they were on board and whic on ground.

As my blog concerns Journalism in Graphics, I think this has been one of the most useful graphics I have uploaded until now, because this is the best example of how to use infographis to communicate: Everyone can read this infographic, but not everyone could have written the very long excel from which it was created, forst of all due to the time required to read the first one and comparing it to the second one.

So,because of it, I think that using infographics together with articles enhances comprehension and gives value to your work as journalist.

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you that you've made a very light looking and simple info graphic - although you are showing a lot of different informations. Well done! I especially like the fact that you've divided the graphic into three parts - creating a clear hierarchy. This also makes it possible for the viewer only to read one or two of the parts - and still get some information out of it.

  2. Hi, Begoña! I like your information graphic because, although it is very simple, it shows the information in a very clear way, which is so important! I also appreciate that you've added some original element, such as the planes in the bar chart. Well done!

  3. Thank you both for the appreciation, the fact is that as it was a serious topic infographic I decided to make it a little bit more informal by drawing planes in the Bar chart, but as Rikke commented I also thought about the importance of hierarchy in a graphic so complex as this.

    Thank you for commenting!

  4. Hi Begoña! I like your graphic, as it's said it's simple but nice, the colors chosen transmit me calm even is a graphic of airplane crashes so I think you did a good choice, also the information is explained very clear and even you use donut charts to represent the 5 worse accidents, that in my opinion are more difficult to understand, is so efficient! Good job!

  5. Thank you Anna, the fact is that the colors were chosen thinking to convey a kind of calm sensation because we were treating serious and sad events. Thank you for the appreciation!!
