jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Your CV impacts more in a visual format!

Here I'm again to give you an essential advice. As every journalist may know, simpler and clearer are better than anything, and because of that today I'll explain you how to make information clearer with graphics.
One of the things that everyone wants to do better is to self himself, so to say to convince someone that he or she is the best option, and one of the best forms I found to do it is by an infographic.
In this post I will show you many examples of doing a CVin a visual way in order to be clearer, simpler and doubly persuasive as in a conventional CV.

(fake information)

In this first example I uploaded, I want to tell you that the information that appears is not true, but that it works perfectly to explain how to do a CV. As our principal goal is to convince that we are the best option, we have to make our prominent features pop out in order to catch the attention of the reader to the features we want. Another thing that becomes basic is to simplify as much as possible without loosing the basic information we want to put. The ideal expression of a simple message can be achieved by reducing its realism to facilitate understanding (always depending on the purpose of the graphic and the audience, of course if we are applying for a scientific job, maybe abstraction and simplification are not good tools).

In this case we can see in a single sight that the CV says that the person is from Spain, That has working experience in different places, that has more windows informatic skills than mac, and we can see in a very clear way his interests. 
One thing that this graphic does not very well is to guide the viewer through an structures hierarchy, because it is all put in a decrescent way. 
Another example found in the net of Cv that I think that is perfect to show you how to do a perfectly useful visual Cv is the one I upload beneath this paragraph.

In this example of infographic taken from the internet, we can see many different ways of visualization of concepts using bar charts, label charts, donut charts and a map, and the colour palette is very well thought to transmit a warm personality and also all the colors match very good between them as in the first CV they did not, and there were a lot of  not matching colors used without any sense behind them.

I hope you found this article useful!!

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Begoña!! I think that the idea of creating the CV as an infographic is very novel and interesting. With a little of imagination everybody can crate real works of art, and also impress those who are interested in hiring you. I really like the design of yours, so good job!!

  2. Thank you Patricia, the fact is that always is easier to have a glance to a visual image than to a text, and because of that I thought that a CV in a graphic would be useful!

    Thank you for commenting!

  3. Hiiiiii ginger girl! I've found quite interesting the comparison of the two CVs that you've made in this post! As for your infographic I think that it doesn't really suit your cheerful personality, you've should use a lighter color on the background.This boring grey doesn't represent you, girl! On the other hand I really like that you have depicted all the parts of the graphic and put photos or icons in every section so it doesn't look dull!
    Keep on doing with your blog! I find it very interesting and I will visit it everyday :)))))))))))

  4. Hi Sara, Thank you for your cheers I do really appreciate comments like this that bring me up and help me to improve my work. I do agree with you in the fact that my CV does not match my personality very well, because the colors were chosen thinking only in seriousness and this is not always what has to matter. Thank you for your appreciation!
